Plein air painting , or painting from life (“alla prima”), are paintings that were mostly started outside and finished in the studio. I am not a purist where I have to finish everything plein air, but I like to do as much as I can from life. These paintings tend to be small, anywhere from 5” x 7” to 16” x 22”.
"Winter Light over Wylie's Cove", 11" x 14", oil on panel

"Rocky Shore" 9" x 12", oil on panel
"Sunrise over Owls Head, sketch", 9" x 11"
"Bayside", 11" x 14", oil on panel
"Appleton Ridge, November", 9" x 12"
"Winter Light, Olson Field", 11" x 14", oil on panel
"Lifting Fog, Lifting Sails: American Eagle Schooner", 11" x 14", oil on panel

"My boat is so little and the ocean is so big", 9" x 12", oil on panel

"Cushing Light", 11" x 14". oil on panel
"Bull Run Farm in a Fog", 11" x 14", oil on panel
"View from Bear Mountain", 11" x 14", oil on panel
"Come Spring Farm", 11" x 14", oil on panel
"Hope Apples", 11" x 14", oil on panel
"Olson Field, #7", 9" x 12", oil on panel

"Tide out in St George", 11" x 14", oil on panel

"Friendship Home", 11" x 14", oil on panel
"Camden View", 11" x 14", oil on panel

"Ducktrap Bridge", 9" x 12", oil on panel
"Rockport Afternoon", 8" x 10", oil on panel

"Stephanie in the Lupines", 12" x 14", oil on panel

"St. George River Birch", 9" x 12", oil on panel

"November Orange and Blues", 11" x 14", oil on panel
"Afternoon with Friends", 11" x 14", oil on panel

"Ingrid and Kaine", 16" x 22", oil on canvas

"Long Cove Quarry", 11" x 14", oil on panel
"Brown's Lighthouse", 8" x 10", oil on panel

"Eli's Wharf, Tide Out", 9" x 12", oil on panel

"Early Morning in Owls Head", 9" x 12", oil on panel

"5:18 in the Morning", 11" x 14", oil on panel
"Birch Grove", 9" x 12" oil on panel
"Clarry Hill, September", 11" x 14" oil on panel

"Sag Harbor afternoon", 11" x 14", oil on panel
"North Haven Salt Farm", 11" x 14" oil on panel
"Olson Field, September", 9" x 12", oil on panel

"Winter Light over St George", 9" x 12", oil on panel
"Clarry Hill looking East", 9" x 12", oil on panel